Registration start: Dec. 15,2016
Early bird registration: On/Before Mar.21,2017

Registration Fees

CLES/LANSA’17の参加登録を行うには、OPIC2017のサイト(*)に移動する必要がございます。ご面倒をお掛けします。 *


Registration can be carried out from the site of OPIC homepage(*)(not this site). Sorry for inconvenience. *

This registration fee includes the admission for the reception of CLES/LANSA’17 held in the evening of 18th April, but not for the banquet of OPIC2017 held in the evening of 19th April.

21 March 2017
22 March 2017
Member* ¥55,000 ¥60,000
Student, Retiree(Member*) ¥18,000 ¥21,000
Non-member ¥65,000 ¥70,000
Student, Retiree(Non-member) ¥21,000 ¥23,000

*Member of organizer, sponsor and cooperative societies.

* For those who are belonging to OPIC2017 organizers, sponsors and cooperative sosieties. They are listed in OPIC2017 web-site.